Why NOVEC 1230 Gas Suppression System Important for Cargo Safety?
There are various ways of transportation whereas one of them is ship. Today, all over the world ships are used as a sea transportation...
Essentials to Maintain Cargo Hatch Cover
In case, if you belong to the cargo business where you either transport your cargo to other places or possess a business of delivering...
Why FM 200 Fire Suppression System is perfect for Industries?
Working with limited sources and meeting the deadlines is obviously a tough task to manage in approximation when you have so many other...
What are the benefits of Ultrasonic Liquid Level Indicator?
Beginning with one of the most advanced companies qualifying in the relative business of producing ultrasonic devices, Coltraco...
What is special in 7th generation of Portalevel® Standard?
There are various forms of liquid level indicators available in the market to help you monitor the fire extinguishing system but what...
Is Watertight Compartment Doors Testing Essential for Safety Purposes?
If you have a business related to yachting or you have a business established over ships, you need to take care of the entire setup...
How Receiver and Generator Operates in a Hatch Cover Testing Device?
Generally, a hatch cover testing device is prepared out of two units which are known to be generator and receiver. Ultrasound with...
Coltraco as a Supplier of Fire Extinguisher Monitoring Instruments
It is really common to see different competitors targeting each other and working to lead the industry solely. There are various...

Features of Permalevel® Multiplex
With the usage of ultrasonic technology, Coltraco Ltd has capable to lead the continuous fire suppression monitoring system. Primarily...
Why Portalevel® Standard is Significant to Industrial Sector?
Holding a large setup, Coltraco stands up straight with proud that it still maintains the units which were established 20 years ago. Due...