Why Portalevel® Standard is Significant to Industrial Sector?
Holding a large setup, Coltraco stands up straight with proud that it still maintains the units which were established 20 years ago. Due to the high quality services, it has always received an encouraging response by the targeted audience. You must be curious about the fact of usage of liquid level indicator and its importance to you. Have you ever heard about unexpected fire explosion due to unknown reasons? They may have taken place due to the carelessness or poor measuring devices in regards to the containers carrying liquids. Liquid Level Indicator the one like 7th generation of Portalevel® Standard is an efficient device for nuclear plants and similar processing units in accordance to core land based fire protection applications. Whenever dealing on massive scale, it is impossible to keep an eye on every functioning part of setup which ultimately demands efficient and accurate measuring devices to keep the population safe from any fatal circumstances. The package of 7th generation of Portalevel® Standard contains the following units with the details which are mentioned below: Hardy Carrying Case This is the box which contains the entire ingredients and accessories of the following packaging. It is maintained hard to assure the safety of all the accessories placed within. Ultrasonic Gel Enclosed in a bottle, this gel agent is significant to allow the increment in the contact surface of the dry sensor. These sensors designed by Coltraco are manufactured in a way to efficiently work with tap water as well. Dry Sensor This is a standard dry sensor which is available with the entire series of Portalevel® units. This applicator is manufactured out of metal which is connected to the unit with the help of BNC connector and 1 meter ax cable. Main Unit An IP65 enclosure unit which weighs just 500 grams is known as the main unit of 7th generation of Portalevel® Standard. It is integrated with LCD numeric display, 4 touch button controls and LED Bar Graph. You can look for further details and imagery demonstration of this ultrasonic level indicator at website.