How the thickness of rusted and painted metal sheets can be measured?
While taking in consideration the reliability and strength of the pipelines whatever they are used for, are made of metal which can be steel, aluminum, iron (cast/grey cast), copper or zinc. But whatever the metal type is used for pipe lines, they are effected by atmospheric changes including humidity and heat. They are also effected by liquid in these pipelines which will ultimately lead to corrosion and rusting of the metal. These metal pipes in some places can be replaced with pipes made of plastic of good quality. They are beneficial as they cannot be damaged with rusting and corrosion but in case of fire bursting out these pipes will be damaged and can lead to worse situation. Use of ultrasonic pipework integrity test indicator can be of advantage because damage in the pipelines will ultimately lead to slow or decrease flow of the liquid. Pipework integrity testing sensor will help in checking the flow and speed of the liquid effectively. Some people are protecting the metal of pipes by painting them but it can only protect it from outside and the inside of the pipe will still be damaged. Sometimes use of the paint will be of no use and still the rusting will take place. Metal thickness should be measured in such cases to avoid any loss or leakage which can be a loss in any way. Ultrasonic thickness gauge is best to use because of its easy use and accurate results. Ultrasonic thickness gage are portable and have long battery life so they can be used in field work or in marine journey where monitoring of such things is required all the time. Ultrasonic thickness gages are able to measure almost all type of metal sheets, does not matter what type of metal is used. They are using single and triple echo technology so rusting and painted surface will not affect the results. They give the results within short time which can be easily readable on the digit LCD screen with a resolution of 0.1 mm. They are capable of working at wide range of temperature which is making it more preferable and reliable for the users. They are capable of working for 20 to 50 hours which is their battery life. Precaution is always better than anything else. Use of these ultrasonic monitoring and measuring equipment is always beneficial for safety and accurate results.