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What specifications are offered by Coltraco with Watertight Integrity Tester?

Versatile in producing numerous instruments, which are capable enough to ensure the correct regulations of fire extinguishing instruments; Coltraco is honored to offer highly qualified and standardized monitoring instruments. A huge series is available to measure and monitor fire extinguishers in numerous ways used in different ways at various areas and locations. As the time is passing by, more advancements and improvements are being brought to each series, which have been manufactured up till now. Portascanner™ watertight is basically multiple cable transit areas testing device, which is highly efficient in performing the job. Function of Portascanner™ Watertight By placing the Ultrasonic Generator inside the compartment can help you test it easily. Via receiver, the operator points the sensor into every direction along the seal under inspection. The defected areas can be easily identified in regards to the connected headset and digital display whereas an immediate action can be taken in regards to solve the issue. This device helps in better functioning of the critical role of operation of the fire extinguishers in watertight seals. Other qualifications of this device are mentioned below give it a look!

  • Gives off better and accurate results in comparison to host testing, which is possible after loading in case requirement is there.

  • Online Training Videos and DVD are available with equipment for effective, easy and quick usage of the product.

  • Capable for identifying leak sites, which are small that 1mm diameter along with full Classification Society Approval, this device is perfect and flawless.

  • Consider best for scuttles, hatch cover testing, bulkheads, watertight doors, cable transits and any watertight compartments.

  • Magnets fit to ultrasonic generator due to which the operators do not have to climb up and down the ladders in order to place generator on the tank top.

  • Most importantly, it is quite faster and accurate than chalk testing and hose testing.

  • It is portable and really lightweight, which permits the equipment to be transported, operated and carried with comfortable.

  • In respect to door seals, it is difficult to identify with chalk tests so accurately and confidently as Portascanner™ II is capable of.

You can get this product through ways mentioned at website. Without confirmation form customer service of Coltraco, avoid making purchasing from any supplier and dealer. This can help you get the reliable and long lasting product. Moreover, purchasing the original product can help you in future replacement if needed.

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