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Utility of Portalevel® MAX INDUSTRIAL for the Aerospace Industry

enhanced Speed, Operation and Performance, especially for high intensity testing requirements. The unit is also the first UL Approved Ultrasonic Level Indicator we have ever produced and builds further on our history of over 30 years manufacturing this equipment. Background: Coltraco is known as a manufacturer of high-end components for Aerospace and other high-end engineering. The Wolver-hampton facility runs 24/7 and 365 days a year and is the size of around 2-3 football pitches. The facility is concerned mainly in manufacturing high-end actuators that are installed on a range of civil and defense systems. Solution: A Coltraco Engineer visited the site to conduct technology suitability trials. Our technology in this ultrasonic liquid level indicator was found to be effective in accurately and quickly identifying the liquid level within the ammonia cylinders. Implementation:

  • It was recommended that a standard un- altered Portalevel® MAX INDUSTRIAL would be a suitable solution.

  • We also cooperated with the customer to develop an in-house testing and recording process that was compatible with their current processes.

  • The solution provided a quick and accurate non-invasive solution, which allowed for more efficient operations and reduced waste by ensuring partially empty cylinders were not returned to the gas supplier.

Applications: The facilities manager of the factory met with us at the Facilities Management show in Birmingham weeks prior. We were informedof the need to monitor the contents within Ammonia Cylinders. The customer uses ammonia in a nitrating process in which ammonia is applied to a heated metal infusing the metal with Nitrogen. This can have beneficial properties such as making the metal harder/tougher/higher melting temperatures etc. Presently, weighing techniques are used to ensure a cylinder has enough contents for a run. This has been shown to be ineffective and incur waste; a non-invasive method would be quicker, reduce waste and save money. Possibilities: The trial and implementation suggested that we could develop a fixed monitoring system for this agent to non-invasively constantly monitor their cylinder contents. This also stimulated interest in developing an Ammonia Portasteele® program to allow you for calculating fire suppression agent weight.

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