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Operating Method of Safely Using CO2 and Marine CO2 Systems for Emergency

There is various fire suppressing systems used throughout the world. Out of all these, CO2 is the most popular gas, which is utilized to blow out the fire. Though being so popular, there can be some great complications if the system is not used popularly. Furthermore, possessing a monitoring system integrated with modern technology to monitor the level of liquefied CO2 gas is a great idea to be more benefited. You can find some amazing ultrasonic monitoring equipment and systems to manage liquid levels. Seafarers mostly consider CO2 Fire Extinguishing System a major horrifying dream especially when it comes to its operation. Grounding or collision of the ship can entirely happen due to the fire caused in engine room because it causes disability of propelling plant of ship along with leading to the complete blackout situation. CO2 or Marine CO2 Systems are specifically installed in the major engine room of the ships to act as fire extinguishers. There is one person from the crew known to be chief engineer of the ship who is responsible towards operating Marine CO2 system after he has taken all the precautionary measure in regards to the functioning of the engine room machinery. CO2 cause massive suffocation after its releasing in engine room which can ultimately cause death. Past has come up with several such cases where people have died due to suffocation caused due to CO2 rather than fire. To avoid any generally and abrupt suffocation due to leakage and unexpected escape of CO2 cylinders, make sure you possess an ultrasonic level indicator to measure the levels on the ship. Moreover, there have been some deadly situations faced by the shipping crews in regards to the combination of suffocation and re-ignition of fire in the presence of lack of airtight engine room. Most importantly, Marine CO2 Systems are the last fire extinguishing options available on the ships and no other option is available. Only Chief Engineer or 2nd engineers in his presence are the in-charge to operate CO2 system whereas it is a necessity for him to avoid fire or any other casualty to happen. Here below, we have compiled some important steps for you to operate CO2 system without any causality:

  • Due to the sound of fire alarm, the bridge officer will be sure about the right location. In case it is big to be dealt by one person, make sure all crew should gather together in muster station for the head count

  • After reducing the speed of the ship, make sure you stop the main engine whereas felt it safe. In case, the ship is coming into any coastal zone, captain is supposed to inform the respective coastal authorities

  • By repeating the head count, make sure no one should be left inside the engine room

  • Upon flooding of CO2, the Emergency generator should be started whereas auxiliary power generator should be stopped due to the requirement of entire engine room machinery

  • Use lifelines or SCBA set in case there is a need to enter engine room to rescue a person.

  • Press the Key provided in the glass case nearby to open the respective cabinet of CO2 operating system as it creates an audible alarm in the engine room

  • Make sure to check all the tripped system as precautionary measure as some machinery and system causes tripping of opening of CO2 such as fans and blowers in engine room.

  • Do not forget about informing the wheelhouse about the ongoing situation of the fire. In consent with the master, Chief Engineer should take the required decision in order to flood CO2 in the engine room to extinguish the fire

  • Operate all remote closing switches for engine room pumps and machinery, quick closing valve, fire flaps, funnel flaps and watertight doors etc.

  • Stop air condition unit of ECR

  • Make sure the engine room is air tight by closing all the entrance doors

  • Operate the master and control valve in the CO2 cabinet. This will cause another audible alarm and within a minute time span, CO2 will be released to extinguish fire.

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