Ultrasonic Hatch Cover and Watertight Integrity Tester
Are you looking for accurate, reliable and easy to use instrumentation, which enhance your productivity level and safety management? The issue is not just about compliance with the regulations; it is about the safe ship offshore and the safe site onshore. This helps our customers to ensure lower risk, higher protection and business continuity. It is believed in prior safety measuring steps for safety's sake. It has been a long time that companies have working really hard to become one of the leading names of producing monitoring devices, catering the needs of various factors. With high quality products with best price offer, it is regarded to assist people with extraordinary efficiency. Ultrasonic hatch cover testing device is a portable ultrasonic monitoring device, which is also used as watertight integrity. It greatly helps in testing watertight and weather-tight seals. It is ideal for checking the hatch-covers, doors, cable transit areas, scuttles, flanges, shell doors, steering gear hatches and many others. Primarily designed to enhance the ease and accuracy with which critical watertight, airtight or weather tight seals can be inspected for leaks sites or areas of reduced compression in the seal.
Standard Features Offered with Hatch Cover Maintenance Device These are standard features, which are provided by high quality companies such as Coltraco across the world.
Three years warranty
Lifetime Support
Calibration and Training Certificates Available
Identifies leaks as small as 0.06 +/- 0.02mm
Non-intrusive ultrasonic technology
10 hour battery life
Class Approved
No Fuss Setup
Magnetically Mountable
Standard Kit and Contents with Watertight Integrity Tester For your ease, this device have been developed an image assuring you regarding the content you will find in the modern ultrasonic hatch cover tester Package which is known to be a high quality hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing device. Give it a look!
Durable Carrying Case
Headphone Set to minimize ambient noise and to hear audible readings
Hatch cover tester generator for multiple use and flexible applications
Operating Instructions, Calibration Certificate, Training DVD
Sensor Extension Rod to detect the integrity readings
Ultrasonic hatch cover tester receiver to relate results into audible and visual readings