Calibrating your equipment annually or every 5 years? Regulation or recommendation?
We are often asked about our ultrasonic level indicator calibration, why it is important, how often it should be done and why. The reason we know calibration to be important, and recommend its annual service is because our equipment is designed to improve safety and best practice, so ensuring the equipment used to conduct such inspections is necessary. But don’t just listen to us: our manufacturer’s recommendation is based on clear cut regulations. Under ISO 17025 standards for the calibration of any monitoring or measuring equipment, it must be at least once a year. At Rolls Royce the test cell for their Trent XWB engines are calibrated every 3 months. In the gas industry, customers are recommended to calibrate their detectors every 6 months, especially if they are using them in confined spaces, in order to sure they are maintaining their accuracy as per technical specifications. There are serious consequences if customers do not value the understanding of their tools or equipment, which unfortunately renders them at risk. But what about the 5 year calibration certificates? On calibration and as a manufacturer of quality, we are clear that it is unsound, unsafe and unprofessional to compete on calibration as some of our competitors are offering 5 year calibration certificates. We do not wish to contravene ISO 17025. Nor do we wish customers to believe that it is the manufacturer that dictates calibration standards, which is not the case. However, we do not force the customer do anything because it is up to their discretion – the key here is that we will not issue calibration certificates beyond a year especially for the Portalevel liquid level indicator. When you buy from Coltraco, you have confidence in the longevity of your equipment, aided by our Coltraco Customer Care Commitment, including life-time support. In addition, we have set up ODA Service Centres worldwide, with more coming online in 2017, so you can send your equipment for its calibration locally. We always do something “over and above” to enhance the unit for customers and we have a wonderful reputation as a consequence. For more information: ISO 17025 is an international standard for test and calibration labs. The manual is available online Get in touch on