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CO2 & Marine CO2 Systems in an Oil Tanker Is Very Important

Oil is also known as the black gold of this planet. Our entire lifestyle runs on it as without it we would be pushed back to the Stone Age. Consider a life without petrol, all the cars would be nothing but dead metal and all the industries would come to a halt. There would be no electricity and people would have nothing to do but go back to farming using mules and donkeys. Life would be pushed back to the dark ages as there would be no means of communication and admit it; the man of today cannot survive a night without these modern facilities. Hence, we all need this black gold and we spend a major chunk of our hard earned money to purchase it in various forms and even directly to feed our cars and motor bikes. It would not be wrong to say that the huge transport ships that are busy in delivering it to the countries where it is not extracted are actually bringing relief to it. An oil tanker is one of the biggest ships you can find on this planet. It is a mini city in itself and it is one of the most vulnerable vehicles too. Consider the vast amount of oil in it and if it goes on fire, the fire would keep on burning for weeks and the heat caused by it would be unbearable. You cannot risk lighting a match on the deck because of the huge amount of oil in the hatches below. But there are many ways to light it and the oil tanker should always be equipped with the CO2 & marine CO2 systems. In case of such accident the only effective agent is CO2 because it covers the entire space that could erupt in flames like a blanket. Hence all oxygen supply is cut off which causes the oil to remain unharmed and the fire that has already started also dies when it does not get oxygen to burn. As CO2 is present in liquefied state inside the huge red cylinders, it cannot be seen. These cylinders aren’t made of glass but are of solid steel or any other alloy to provide toughness and protection to what’s inside. You can’t examine and decide how much is present inside them with your eyes but if you use the ultrasonic liquid level indicator, the liquefied CO2 can be easily measured. Once you know how much is inside you can make a decision. If the level is too low a refill can be ordered or if it is not too low you can keep them as it is and wait for the next use.

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