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Keep Buildings Safe with the Novec 1230 Gas Suppression System

Fire fighting is best when you know the right way to deal with it. There are many classes of fires that can occur inside or outside a building. But when the fire happens inside it is the most dangerous as it can trap people who not know where to go and what to do to escape it. In commercial buildings the traffic of people is huge and since the floors are shared it is impossible to know the source of disturbance at once. Although the fire alarms are rung to warn people but most of the time we see confusion rather than being careful. You do not know if the fire is around you or it is on the floor above or is it below. For the buildings that have Novec 1230 gas suppression system, they can be counted as safe buildings. Whenever there is a fire problem the suppression system comes to life and starts spraying the gas in every direction which causes the fire to die immediately. No matter which floor the flames are raging, as a precaution it is set to spray on every floor so that the flames would not travel but would be taken care of in their flight from one place to another. Novec is known to be safe and nonhazardous so if a person inhales it, there no problem with that. It is an odorless gas so when it is being sprayed no one would be able to distinguish it. Hence the only problem that may be witnessed is the people hearing the hissing sound through the pipes when it is being released. The best thing to do in such a situation is to keep people as calm as possible. In case of a stampede more people are known to be hurt than there would have been from fire. Novec breaks the chain by meddling with the fire’s molecules. Hence it loses its strength and diminishes to being nonexistent. The moment molecules lose their formation, the flames are seen to die down and vanish completely. To be really prepared it is essential to know the gas level inside the single skinned cylinders. We all know that the red cylinders are fire extinguishers and similarly the cylinders holding Novec are also red. This has become a global standard so people would know that these cylinders hold fire fighting gases. Using the ultrasonic liquid level indicator one can easily become aware about the level of gas inside and if the level turns out to be low, a refill should be ordered without any delays. A full cylinder is the only way to be assured that when the need arises, there would be enough backup to fight the flames.

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