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Protect Precious Data with the Novec 1230 Gas Suppression System

Managing fire outbreaks is a serious task as the building grows bigger and the interior becomes more expensive. One of the most important buildings on the planet are the data centers where data is stored and if once it is lost there’s no way you can recover it. As we don’t have access to the past our only access to it is through the data gathered from the past. This is our gateway to what was been done yesterday and reading it and analyzing the gatherings one can plan for the future. As there’s a ton of machinery feasting on a huge amount of electricity a minor fire can cause the whole building to become one huge fireball within a very short time. While there are security guards on patrol round the clock looking at all the rooms to see if everything is alright, there can be accidents right after the guard has moved forward or would be arriving after 5 minutes. A minor spark can result in the biggest tragedy of a lifetime and there would be a lot of trouble trying to fight once the blaze has gone berserk. Hence the installation of a Novec 1230 gas suppression system would certainly help in keeping the matter out of the press and keeping the record intact even if a fire tried to break loose. Smoke and fire sensors are more accurate in sensing the danger that is building up and gathering strength. And they can be fitted every inch of the building so that no corner is left unguarded any second of the day. As they are stationery and do not need to go anywhere there is no way they cannot sense the danger beneath them. When a spark happens it lets a small bubble of smoke to be released in the air and it is enough for the sensors to trigger the alarm. The related staff can then come to the spot and inspect what caused the alarm to go off and it can be repaired without causing any commotion. While a gas suppression system has been installed in the building it gives a sense of protection but there’s one thing that must be done on a daily basis and that is to keep a check on the cylinders holding the gas. If the gas is not used for a long time it can start losing pressure or if the gas has been used but not completely, knowing how much is left inside the cylinders is a must. This can be done by measuring the cylinders with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator which presents the level in an understandable manner. If the pressure has gone down do not waste time to order a refill.

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