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FM 200 Fire Suppression System Saves the Day

Every year there are reports about thousands of business fires. This means that thousands of public places such as restaurants, shopping malls and play areas such as theme parks get caught in an unwanted fire. Sadly, 43% of such businesses suffer such great damage that they never manage to reopen. The downtime after the thermal damage, completing legal paperwork and also many other formalities prevent them from reopening ever. This is mostly the case of small businesses that do not have a huge backup unlike the fortune 5000 companies who have an army of staff to prevent anything bad from happening. In case anything does happen that is bad, their lawyers make sure that every penny can be claimed and the setup would reopen without the clients suffering any downtime. While small and medium sized businesses do not enjoy the privileges of the world’s most renowned brands, they can however choose to install the trusted, waterless FM 200 fire suppression system. It is now suggested to avoid using water sprinklers or any water based fire extinguishing system. While in the past water was a very successful medium to kill the flames with as houses were of wood and gas lamps were used for lighting purposes. If the house was even put on fire, water would eventually help in securing it and would kill all the flames. But now the scenario has changed. Today houses in fact buildings have a net of electric wires running all over it. Water is a very good conductor of electricity and if you they both come in contact, the result is disastrous. A live wire exposed to water would cause the electric current to spread all over the place where water and metal would be within its reach. Anyone stepping inside the area would be immediately electrocuted and this is certainly what should be avoided. As the area is already up in flames, getting involved in fighting electricity only adds to the agony. It should be noted here that every waterless fire fighting element is actually a gas and being a gas, it is filled in single skinned containers. With the passage of time, either the gas is used up or the pressure decreases due to several reasons. Looking from outside, you can never tell if the cylinder is empty or filled hence you need to check it with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. Checking with it will reveal the actual situation and if the levels are down than the accepted level, do not waste time in ordering a refill coz you never want to take the risk of getting caught in a blaze without the fire suppression system to save the day.

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