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Keep Safe with the Novec 1230 Gas Suppression System

When you need to combat fire in a quick way, throwing water on it doesn’t seem like a good strategy. Water is a good source to put out the flames but in most cases it isn’t as effective. Plus, when you throw a lot of water, the area gets wet and slippery which can cause a mess and even a disaster if someone gets hurt when slipped. The towering flames do not provide an opportunity to let your concentration go anywhere else and the first priority in such tasks is to kill the flames. There may be a person trapped behind the flames or there can be important stuff that should not be damaged. You can’t divert your attention to a person who fell and hurt himself but still you can’t ignore him. Hence you need something that can save you from such trouble.

The best option in such an incident is none other than the Novec 1230 gas suppression system. Novec 1230 is a gas with the best qualities to combat fire. It is a non toxic, odorless and colorless gas. These three properties make it safe to be used anywhere and effective against the raging flames. Being a non toxic gas, you can use it to be sprayed over the fire even when there are people inside the building. If it is inhaled, it is a non toxic gas which means that it won’t harm anyone’s health in any manner. However some people may sense tingling or sneezing, but there won’t be too much to be worried about. The quality of being odorless is a plus point because people won’t know that the gas has been released. This is a better way to reduce panic because most people can go hysterical when they learn they have been sprayed upon. Uncontrolled commotion is even a greater threat to the masses because it can cause a stampede and many folks would be hurt or even killed due to it. Being a colorless gas gives you the advantage of not harming the property. The walls, paper, decorations and even the clothes being worn by the people won’t have any effect. Hence everything remains unharmed. The gas is present inside single skinned cylinders and they need to be observed by the staff regularly to maintain perfect pressure at all times. Using the ultrasonic liquid level indicator the measurements can be taken with precision. Any dip in the level or low pressure will be revealed on it and the staff can then report to the concerning authorities to take a decision. Usually in such a case the cylinders are sent for replacement and the new ones are installed to maintain maximum pressure at all times.


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