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Protect More Than Lives with the CO2 & Marine CO2 Systems

Fire protection is a serious issue mostly in the multi storey buildings where a lot of people, unknown to each other share the same facilities. The stairs lifts and mostly the safety features are all shared without knowing who resides next door. Due to the over populated cities there isn’t much land available to provide accommodation to everyone. Hence the buildings are built with blocks on top of each other until they reach a great height. This building houses hundreds or thousands of people at the same time and it solves the problem to much extent of providing a house to the masses. Due to the thousands of electrical appliances running at the same time and gas being used in the building, the tiniest fire break out can cause the biggest tragedy of all times. When such a building, unprotected, catches fire, the casualties are high and the building is damaged beyond repair. Accidents are bound to happen. It is impossible to have no unpleasant incident happening the entire year. But, it is possible to have the proper tools to make the unpleasant incident cause the least possible damage. With the right safety equipment the damages can be reduced and the threat even eliminated.

Anyone who has studied science in school surely knows that carbon dioxide is the most lethal weapon against fire. It has the ability to suppress the biggest flames within no time and does not end up in flames itself. Hence the installation of the CO2 & marine CO2 systems in a building can solve all thermal problems. Due to its modified form to be able to fit in the smallest place without affecting functionality, it has been termed as marine system. It is now being used widely in the marine industry to provide protection against fires. The system is simple, a set of CO2 filled single skinned cylinders are attached to a series of steel pipes that spread all over the place like a web to leave no area unattended. It is important to make sure the cylinders holding the gas are always to its maximum pressure. A full pressure cylinder can give the best result when it is needed. Using the ultrasonic liquid level indicator the pressure can be easily monitored and if anything of trouble is noted, it can be sorted. The pressure of the gas will be easily displayed on the device’s meter. If you think it has become necessary to have a refill or replacement, do so in a hurry because you don’t know how soon you may need it.

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