Never Compromise On Fire Security
Tragedies faced by the ship owners are never off the news channels. There’s too much going on a ship always that something is bound to happen sooner or later. And a ship or a ship’s portion going up in flames is just common news now. But it is not common for the ship owner because he has to face a lot of troubles. There’s a lot of explanation to do at the police station, answer the awkward questions of the safety authorities and to worry about the losses. Even the insurance company tries to evade paying up for the losses and struggles to find all possible ways to disqualify a payment. And if all odds are against the ship owner, he is doomed for sure. Protection against fire is a very important thing. It is the first thing every ship owner should start worrying about the moment he purchases one. If the ship is a freight transport ship, it is very easy to assume that sooner or later there will be flames on board and they will need to be dealt with in their earliest stages to ward off the heavy losses that could run even the biggest company to file for bankruptcy. You can’t rely on your staff to tackle the problem without letting any damage to happen. The moment they will come to know of it the flames will be already too powerful to handle. Your staff isn’t monitoring the ships every inch 24/7. There are times when no one is around except for the security guard which is only or two. He can’t tackle the flames all by himself and it is also possible that he might get trapped in the flames and would be helpless. The Novec 1230 gas suppression system would be his life savior in such a time when his life would be at stake and the company’s honor would also be at stake. The gas would act quickly and bring the situation under control saving a lot more than just dollars. To be at peace, you’ll need to appoint someone to monitor the gas cylinders at least once every day with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. This would help you be alert about the pressure inside the cylinders and you will be at ease knowing that there is plenty of gas to kill even the biggest fire. If that person informs you about a change in the pressure, probably a dip, have the cylinders replaced or refilled immediately.