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Protect Your Buildings with Novec 1230

A building, even the smallest one can cost millions or even billions to have purchased land, consulting architects, having it build and finally moving in. The time and money invested in the entire procedure is not something you can compromise on. Hence it is very important to make it safe after all you have gone through just to live or operate in it. One of the biggest disasters one can face in such a situation is uncontrolled fire. If a flame is ignited without your knowledge in any part of the building, it can spread to the entire place destroying your beloved place and also the people inside if there are any. Unwanted flames are the biggest problem in every part of the world. Most of the biggest tragedies are caused when a spark ignites due to bad wiring or when someone left the stove in the on state and forgot to turn it off. The gas kept leaking for hours and someone put a light on right within its range. The flames spread to every part of the building eating up all that comes in their range unless someone steps in to bring the situation under control. But who is going to be the hero when there’s o one around or the people around are soon to become a victim of it? One of the biggest saviors in this situation is the Novec 1230 gas suppression system which never backs off and starts at the very moment an unwanted flame starts poking its head up. Being an automatic system with a backup mode too, it springs to life the moment it senses heat levels more than acceptable. It is the best safety system against fire you can give to your precious building. Being a gas, it evaporates immediately after working on the flames leaving no residue behind. No mess to clean up afterwards and no bad odor to fight with. Just make sure the cylinders are always filled with the maximum pressure. At times when the gas has been used or, if it hasn’t been used for a very long time, the pressure decreases. This can cause a bit of trouble while operating. You can measure the pressure of the gas inside the single skinned containers with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. This device helps you keep tab of the pressure and you always know how safe you are. The more pressure you have in your cylinders, the better chances of fighting even the biggest flames when everything else seems to be not working.

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