Be Your Own Rescuer with Uncontrolled Flames
There is a continuous war going on between ship owners and uncontrolled fires. It may sound silly to some, but it is a fact that most of the damages done to a ship are due to uncontrolled fires. There are over a dozen reasons why a fire might take birth and get out of control very quickly on a ship. The bigger the size of the ship, the greater is the chances of a fire. When you are in the middle of the ocean and suddenly your ship gets covered in flames, what are your chances of survival? Probably not more than 20% that is also in case a ship comes about to your rescue. When your ship is engulfed in flames, what are its chances of survival? The answer is if it has a fire fighting system such as the FM 200 fire suppression system then the chances are nearly 99%. But in case it does not have the fire suppression system, then it will be burnt down to cinder. Why have FM 200 fire suppression systems on a ship? A fire suppression system is a set of sensors and a mechanism using a fire fighting agent to suppress flames whenever they generate. The agent is mostly a gas as FM 200. Gases have replaced water in this game for the better. When water is used, there is a fifty - fifty chance it will be able to douse the flames completely. Plus, there is little chance that your precious goods will be usable again. In most cases of chemical fire or short circuit, water causes greater harm by acting as a catalyst and instead, the flames are more powerful to control. And wherever water lands, it will wet everything, hence even if your goods survive the flames, they will be wet beyond repair by the water. And water on a ship increases its weight, so there is no way you’re going to enjoy having your ship tilted or turned turtle. One thing is to be remembered. No matter what agent you use, it is extremely important to check it levels and pressure in the single skinned cylinders. Using the ultrasonic liquid level indicator, the agent can be checked and if there is any kind of low level or pressure, it will be found out immediately. The device gives pinpoint accuracy so there’s no doubt about asking for a refill once you get the low signal. Always keep the tanks full because if they are empty and a fire takes place, you’ll need a miracle to survive.