Check CO2 Levels With the Ultrasonic Liquid Level Indicator
Ships and boats are some of the most amazing things made by man. They are small, big and huge; they are available in all sizes and have a capacity to carry weights up to hundreds of tons on a single voyage. Some of the ships, luxury boats and cruise ships are so magnificently built, they resemble palaces. Once you enter these ships, you’ll be astounded by the modernity and the elegance found on board them. No matter how elegant or huge a ship may be, it is always vulnerable to fire. A small spark can cause the greatest tragedy and the entire ship would be lost to ashes.

You cannot predict any unfortunate event hence it is advised to ship owners to have CO2 & marine CO2 systems present on their ships at all times. Even the smallest fire that breaks out can turn to a huge ball of fire which would risk the safety of the passengers and the ship itself. A short circuit can happen even in the middle of the night when the passengers are asleep or if the ship is docked and there’s no one on board it. When there aren’t people alert to handle the flames on their own, how do you expect the fire to be controlled if it happens?

Hence the CO2 & marine CO2 systems are a relief in such situations. They are automatic and can sense any unnatural heat or smoke taking place near them. If it does not halt, and keeps increasing, the system would know that it would soon get out of hand and the systems will spring to action immediately. CO2 will be sprayed on the source of the disturbance and a huge accident would be taken care of immediately. This is why it has become necessary to have these systems installed in every ship. They can save you from getting a huge dent in the wallet.

To ensure that your systems will perform their task when needed, you must keep the CO2 levels checked at all times. Use the ultrasonic liquid level indicator for this task as the CO2 is present inside single skinned containers and you cannot see inside them. This handy gadget will keep you informed about the state of the gas inside these cylinders and you can be assured that if you need your systems to shoot at something, they will have enough gas to carry out the task as long as required.