FM 200 Is Odorless and Colorless
When you have a special delivery to make and that special is something that is hazardous and needs extra care, you need to make sure that your vehicle and crew stays protected throughout the journey. Some of the most dangerous goods have been able to surpass all kinds of safety measures and cause the vehicle great harm. Most of the times crude oil containers and vessels have known to be blown up due to many reasons. Most of the times it was due to some sort of human error that caused a fire to be ignited and it was enough to cause the biggest tragedy.

The transport ships, cruise ships and many other vehicles including buildings that house dangerous materials use the FM 200 fire suppression system for their safety. Since you cannot delay fighting the flames that have just emerged uncontrolled and uncalled for, it is important to strike them the moment they are born. You cannot guarantee human’s watchfulness over the entire area at all times. There are many miscreants also who try to sabotage an organization’s credibility by maligning with the sensitive things that can cause fire. Whatever may be the case, one should be prepared well before time to fight such problems and save itself from any bad news. FM 200 is a gas which is known to be chemically free from life threatening toxins and also is proven to be odorless and colorless. These characteristics make it the ultimate fire fighting agent as it can clearly put out fire without damaging the property or causing harm to the humans in it. Being colorless makes it worthy to be used in rooms where there is a huge investment in terms of expensive paint work and art. While FM 200 may be released in there, everything undamaged by fire is also undamaged by the gas. Being odorless is helpful when you have to use it in basements or underground areas. As there is barely good ventilation in such areas especially the cargo holds, any pungent smell developing would turn out to be a menace. But being odorless can be bad sometimes because when the gas is leaking silently, no one would be able to know about it. Hence it is necessary to measure the cylinders with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator regularly to ensure that the gas level inside them is perfectly the same as you measured the last time. If its use is in your knowledge, then obviously you’ll know why the level has declined from the last time you checked it.